Solar looked around, feeling the wind blow through his fur. That was when the strange wolf stepped forward. "You aren't fit to lead a pack, Solar!"
Misty stepped in front of her mae, grey eyes blazeing with fury, the Mist wolf stood up to her full height, fur bristleing. "What do you mean?" she growled, as DarkSong, Stalaura, Storm, and Raven joined her.
The strange wolf laughed, red eyes blazeing. "You can't lead a pack with just one eye! It's a miracle your father let you back in!"
Solar's lips curled back into a snarl. "I can hunt just as well as any wolf with two eyes! Misty is my other eye!" he hissed, the white female also raising her hackles. "Get out of our territory, Windstorm!" he growled.
The black wolf laughed. "Well, you need to know, that DeathPack is very much alive. So are the Death Eaters, and FiercePack."
Solar's ears pricked. "FiercePack? You mean their alive?"
Windstorm laughed again. "Don't waste your breath, One- eye! Because you'll have none left when I'm throguh with you!"
In a flurry of black fur, the wolf sprang towardes him. "NO!"
Winter jumped in front of her father and took the blow. The black wolf snarled, teeth met fur, and Winter went limp. Solar sprang onto Windstorm, his one eye glared into both of Windstorm's. "Get out! Mention one more thing about our old friends and I will tear you apart!"
Once the wolf was gone, takeing his pack with him, Misty sniffed the air, a small scent caught her attention. "They were right. We must find them. We cannot kill the new DeathPack alone."